Hello Gary,
Thank you for interested in our product

Please find below answers to your questions:
1. Can Geek form display only the user submitted data when the user login to their account?
No, it will display all submission data from all user now. But we can improve this feature on next release to add new parameter to show only submission data of current user.
2. Can user edit and update their submitted data?
Yes, you can configure to allow user can edit their own entries on front-end. Please read more about this feature here
3. The business owner will have several promotions and submitted few promotions detail using the form. So, can Geek form display all the submitted form of the user?
Yes, the same answer to the first question.
4. When displaying the submitted form, can Geek form display the details back in form field instead of table style.
Yes, please check the demo link below, you can click on any View link to see submission data detail
Please tell us if you need any further any information about our products.
Have a nice weekend

Thanh Nguyen