16 votes
Version: 1.4.0
Release Date: 19 October 2023


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Geek Image Annotation

A Joomla module allows you to add unlimited annotations to specific areas that you want to point out on your image, to make the image more informative. Web designers can use informative images to model new apps, softwares, games, or many other products!

Joomla! User Group Hanoi

Joomla User Group Kuala Lumpur

Joomla User Group based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.User group for knowledge sharing, suggestions and sharing of ideas.
Meetings held: Every 6 Months

Joomla! User Group Kaohsiung

我們是居住在高雄,喜好 Joomla!® 的一群人,如果你也知道 Joomla! 的好,或是想多瞭解 Joomla!,歡迎到我們的臉書專頁瞭解、參與,本使用者社群的首次活動將於 2016 年夏季舉辦。
We are joomlers in Kaoshiung city, we would like share the benefits of Joomla!® to people. Our first meeting will be summer 2016. Please join our Facebook page to find out about Event details.
We are joomlers in Kaoshiung city, we would like share the benefits of Joomla!? to people. Our first meeting will be summer 2016. Please join our Facebook page to find out about Event details.
coffce shop, like Starbucks

JUG Frankfurt / Rhein-Main

The JUG FFM / Rhein-Main * was founded in early 2012 in Frankfurt am Main, offering a real community for all Joomla interested in the Rhine Main area. As listed at joomla.de JUG we have meetings to exchange and debate on the topics of Joomla, web, technology and the similar
Die JUG FFM / Rhein-Main * wurde Anfang 2012 in Frankfurt am Main gegründet und bietet eine reale Community für alle Joomla Interessieren im Rhein Main Gebiet. Als auf joomla.de gelistete JUG bieten wir Treffen zum Austausch und Diskussion rund um die Themen Joomla, Web, Technik und ähnliches.

Joomla! User Group Jabalpur

The meetups are a great source of interacting with new people and establish connections with the people who find their life in the most powerful and an open source content management system.
For more details about the meetups, you can contact via the provided details. We believe it is always the simplicity that turns marvellous. A simple knowledge combined with a sense of sharing can create Joomla realization among the society.
So, come be a part of our simple but yet modernized Joomla community and add a label of ?Joomler? to your web collar.
We will gather in AGS cybertech office and in case of no possibility of this, we will make our meetings in some other place.

Joomla! User Group Kandy

Not only that, we will have talk and presentations on start-ups, freelancing, promoting Joomla! and open source philosophy, and many things. It is a great opportunity to meet people working and studying IT in Kandy.
IT educational services provider, Peradeniya Road. (Venue to be confirmed.)

Joomla! User Group London

We regularly have talks by the members on aspects of site building and maintaining which matter to them. We have a "clinic" where members can bring questions and seek answers. We also have a roundup of the best extensions that members have come across.
Venue Room 6.12 (6th Floor)

Joomla! User Group Paris

We wish today to group webmaster and amateurs of around Joomla! To share our experiences. * Thus the objectives are: to discuss, to form, to have a drink (or two) as well as that to share our realizations and problems around Joomla! * Any suggestions of dates, places and themes for our meetings are welcome. * See you soon..
Have a look on our website to see for the next meeting

Joomla! User Group Madrid

Connect with the Joomla! community in Madrid. We are already over 200 and we are waiting for you. You can meet people who use Joomla! near you, learn, spend good times and even propose themes. Join us!
Conéctate con la comunidad Joomla! en Madrid. Ya somos más de 200 y nos faltas tú. Podrás conocer a gente que usa Joomla! cerca de tí, aprender, pasar buenos ratos e incluso proponer temas. ¡Te esperamos!

Joomla! User Group Moscow

The topics will not be strictly focused only on Joomla but will also present current trends in web development, web design, marketing, web security and many other things. The main purpose of the meetings is to facilitate collaboration among members, exchange the ideas, discuss projects, establish valuable contacts and provide mutual support.
The meetings will be held on every last Thursday of the month in the big hall of coworking space Svobodnoe Plavanie" - - Varshavskoye shosse

JUG United States

There are 29 registered Joomla User Groups in USA.
  • Joomla! User Group Chicago North
  • Joomla Users Group Bay Area
  • Joomla! User Group Worcester, MA
  • Joomla! User Group Orange County CA
  • Joomla! User Group Dallas / Fort Worth
  • Joomla! Users Group of Northern Virginia
  • Joomla! User Group New Hampshire
  • Joomla! User Group Bridgeport Connecticut
  • Joomla! User Group NYC
  • Joomla! User Group New Jersey
  • ...

Joomla! User Group Bogota

We're the first JUG in Colombia. We meet every month to talk about Joomla!, design, e-commerce, marketing and so on.
Somos el primer JUG en Colombia, nos reunimos cada mes para hablar de Joomla! y la web en general. Somos miembros activos de la comunidad y voluntarios del proyecto Joomla!
Meetings held: Monthly
Meeting Language: Spanish

Joomla! User Group Rio de Janeiro

Founded in July 2012, we're an established JUG in Rio de Janeiro (one of the states of Brazil, very popular for its beautiful beaches, summer high temperatures and unique carnival), which focuses on integrating all who work with Joomla in the city (and the state), in a strong and cohesive business network based on friendship, trust and professionalism. We discuss technical issues such as code, patterns, design, templates and "how to creat tutorials" is the most frequent questions here. We'll gather in Pinheiro & Sperle Web Development and in case of no possibility of this, we will make our meetups in the community partner companies or public locations, to grant the free access on it.
Fundada em julho de 2012, nós somos uma JUG estabelecida no Rio de Janeiro (um dos estados do Brasil, muito popular por suas belas praias, altas temperaturas de verão e carnaval único), cujo foco é a integração de todos os que trabalham com Joomla na cidade (e no estado), em uma rede de negócios forte e coesa baseada na amizade, confiança e profissionalismo. Discutimos questões técnicas tais como códigos, padrões, design, modelos e "como criar tutoriais" são as perguntas mais frequentes por aqui. Nos reunir-mos na sede da Pinheiro & Sperle Desenvolvimento Web e caso este local esteja impossibilitado, faremos nossos encontros nas empresas parceiras ou locais públicos afim de garantir o acesso gratuito ao meetup.

Joomla! User Comunidad en Iquique

This JUG needs an introduction still. Click through for more. Grupo creado desde los inicio de Joomla. Su principal objetivo es difundir Joomla como herramienta de diseño de alto nivel en Chile. Ayudar, colaborar, apoyar, Meetings held: Quarterly

Joomla User Group Guayaquil

This is a group created with the main objective of show all the benefit of Joomla in the city of Guayaquil, making known to the general public the importance of this CMS has worldwide.
Meetings held: Bi-Monthly

Joomla! User Group Cape Town

Promoting Joomla and Open Source software in Cape Town.
Meetings held: Monthly

Joomla! User Group Blida

Our goal is to organize workshops and meetings once every months Blida. In addition to the self-help and troubleshooting aspects of sites, many topics are covered during Joomlaltitude or other events: Install and develop your site, SEO, web design, templating, security, newsletter ...
Meetings held: Every 6 Months
Meeting Language: French

Joomla! User Groups in Australia

Ours is a free quarterly group for users of the Joomla content management system. JUG Canberra is a group of enthusiasts who get together to share tips and ideas related to websites created in Joomla. You do not need any special qualifications to join; our group includes people who are beginners and experienced professionals.
Meetings held: Every 6 Months
Meeting Language: English

NOTE: [On mobile] tap and hold on annotation icons to open tooltip.

Easy to manage annotations with Drag & Drop function

The Drag & Drop feature enables you to easily add annotation to any position of your image.
The image editor is also well optimized to support long images (such as infographic images) with duplicate annotation feature and float item’s property form.
All features are designed to bring out the most convenience to users when using the module.

Manage Annotations
Manage Annotations

Nice, flexible & interactable Tooltips

Supports 6 built-in themes, 5 built-in animations, and many settings of displaying.
Allows HTML content, and give users the posibility to interactive with content of tooltip.
These features combined really make the static images on your website more lively than ever.

The Multi-Purpose Joomla Module

You can use module for multiple purposes on your site, and below are some examples.

  • Create static map images.
  • Make more informative infographics.
  • Make documentation screenshots more clear & useful.
  • Introduce the components on a product image.
  • ...
Manage Annotations


100% 7 days money back guarantee

If for any reason, you are not satisfied with your purchased products, we will refund full amount, no questions asked (please read our Refund Policy).
You will have 7 days to try out the product and make sure that it fits your needs.

Manage Annotations Manage Annotations
Tooltip Settings Tooltip Settings
Other Settings Other Settings
Well optimized to support long images Well optimized to support long images

1 Review for Geek Image Annotation

  1. Avatar

    Good functionality
    Vincent Tropical (32).
    Posted on 25 August 2022

    Works for the purpose that I wanted it to. There are very few to none of this kind of module on JED.

    Ease of use
    The map is fairly straight forward. There are no complexities whatsoever. Just load a map image and add your markers.

    I did not need support for this but the support himself is a very good developer. Willing to help and assist in any way.

    Not needed, nor did I consult the documentation as the module is easy to use.

    Value for money
    Decent value for the function that it provides. Not overpriced and just the right price for a module of its kind.

    I used this to: Was looking for an annotation module for a Map project on one of my websites.

Add Your Review

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Version 1.4.0 - Joomla! 5 Upgrade

Release Date: Oct 19, 2023

  • Updated. compatibility with Joomla! 5.0.0.

Version 1.3.0 - New Features Release

Release Date: Jun 23, 2021

  • Updated. compatibility with Joomla! 4 RC2.

Version 1.2.0 - New Features Release

Release Date: Sep 20, 2019

  • New. Enables users to insert text before and after image.
  • New. Add link to icon.

Version 1.1.1 - Bug Fix Release

Release Date: Apr 06, 2019

  • FIXED. remove duplicate slashes in image path.

Version 1.1.0 - New Features Release

Release Date: Jan 28, 2019

  • NEW. Support new layout that displays annotation image in Modal popup.
  • ADD. more marker icons.

Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release

Release Date: Dec 16, 2018


After the payment process you can instantly download the product from the Customer Area section. (Navigate to My Account > Downloads)
In addition, we will send you an order confirmation email with all order and download information, so you can check back any time in the future.
Yes, You will have ONE YEAR free downloads any new updates of purchased products from your purchase date.
There is no restriction on using our products even after the order expires, but access to downloads, support and new releases are not available. As a loyalty bonus we offer flat 30% OFF for renewals (send us email to get a Coupon code).
Yes, you are authorized to make any modifications to achieve your desired intention. All code are open for modification if you need.
No. You are not allowed to re-sell our products. However, you are entitled to customize them for your clients.
We provide support through:
- Documentation: You can find 60% the answers for technical issues in our Users Guide & Documentation page.
- Community Forum: For all customers, both Free and Paid User.
- Premium Support Ticket: Premium support is provided for active membership. You can create a ticket here.
- Official support hours is from 9:00 — 17:00 Monday to Friday (GMT +7) with reply time of max 24 hrs.


At JoomlaGeek, we are passionate about what we do. Our technical expertise combined with our desire for excellence ensures that we only provide top quality products and services. We love what we do, and hope you will too.

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We commit to deliver professional products with flexible and useful features. Put your mind at ease when it comes to Joomla Installation.

100% Satisfaction

We ensure 100% satisfaction for our esteemed clients and deliver top quality work and great support when you need it

Money Back Guarantee

We offer a 7 day No-Questions-Asked Refund Policy. Read more here.


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Feel free to submit your technical questions in our forums. Our professional Support Staff are always ready to support you.

Quick Response

Support is available Monday to Friday 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM (GMT +7) with reply time of max 24 hrs.