Here is the summarized of version 3.0.0 change log.
New - Allow to insert link of Youtube video as background video to make the pages more appealing to the eye. The feature is developed by integration of
library by pupunzi
New - Plugin comes packaged with free some stunning templates. Simply grab a template, change the background or content then make it look just right.
New - Add top menu navigation
New - Add new parameter to turn ON/OFF loading Bootstrap Framework
New - Add mask over background
Improved - Add new visibility settings for border color, border style, border radius and border width
Improved - Add set of parameters to customize Heading element : text background color, font-size, text shadow and text padding.
Improved - Turn ON/ OFF background color of layer editor via a Toggle button
Improved - Replaces collapsible content panels of page management section with tab
Improved - Add new settings for element type icon
Improved - Allow to add link to image
Improved - Add style for footer text and navigation bar
Fixed - Image is not shown when using absolute url for images