JoomlaGeek is very excited to announce the latest release of our Geek ElasticSearch. The new release includes support for PHP 8.0, support for Elastic Cloud and
The New Powerful Search Mode Fuzzy Search, along with minor bug fixes and many other improvements as follows:
- New. Supports Fuzzy Search.
- New. Supports PHP 8.0.
- New. Supports new hosted Elasticsearch service - Elastic Cloud.
- New. Filter by Hikashop characteristics.
- Updated. The look of dashboard.
- Updated. The look of search form.
- Updated. Libary Elasticsearch-PHP to the latest version.
- Updated. Libary AWS-SDK-PHP to the latest version.
- Updated. Libary GuzzleHttp to the latest version.
- Removed. Parameter virtuemart_currency_id from search query string.
- Fixed. Error search results include products of unpublished Virtuemart categories.
- Fixed: Bug filter by access cause error in Joomla 4.
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