Version 2.0.0 : New features, Improvements and Update
Released date : 20st July 2016
- Support multilingual : Bot can automatically detect language user using then select reply message for this language while chatting with user
- Add new messages types: Chatbot now supports message type: GIFs, audio, video, and other files.
- Add option for persistent Menu : Menu is basically locked into place so that it is useful for the first time and returning users to communication with your bot/
- Reply message echo : This callback will occur when a message has been sent by your page.
- Add option to set working time for Bot
- Building Custom Integrations: This allows developers to write plugin to hook into events, get data then create and send message based on the data.
- Use site language for Facebook-generated buttons button.
- Hits Counter :Number of Messages hit counters and statistics for data analyst
- Enable Get Started button and Display Welcome Screen feature
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