Hi guys,
This week, we released new version of 4 Joomla extensions with new features, improvements and bug fixes. Here is the list of extensions:
Geek Landing Page version 3.4.5
- Update FullPage library to version 2.9.4.
- Update mb.YTPlayer library to version 3.0.20.
- Fix a bug background video sometimes display as a small box on top left corner of page.
- Fix a small CSS error on Joomla 3.7.3
Geek ElasticSearch version 2.1.1
- Fix a bug no [query] registered for [missing] on ElasticSearch 5.x.
- Fix a bug Search function does not work properly if SEF is turned off.
Geek Form Builder version 1.4.5
- Support new form field type "Item Quantity". - see documentation
- Add option "Use Default" for module settings.
Geek Layer Slider version 2.1.5
- Update mb.YTPlayer library to version 3.0.20.
- Fixed a small CSS error on Joomla 3.7.3