Support 2 new layouts for module search
On previous versions of the component, users might find the drawbacks of making search form layout match with the web design style because there is only one option to open search form in modal window. Hence, two new layouts for module search are updated on the new version. You now have more options to place a search form in module positions or you can even create a dedicated search page on your site.
These new layouts can be found under Alternative Layout drop box of Advanced tab.
Support more 3rd party extensions
There are four more 3rd party extensions including JomSocial, JReviews, J2Store and JEvents. These increase the number of 3rd party extensions that Geek Elasticsearch work compatibility to fifteen ones now.
Geek Elasticsearch now turns your site into a robust Search Engine by providing strong search functionality for big data application. The component is the complete solution that helps customers to find relevant information with speed of light. It is no doubt that the component will be the perfect replacement of default Joomla search .

Check out our demo site now to see how Geek Elasticsearch component supports 3rd party extensions perfectly.
Other updates in this version
- Add new feature to filter search results by language (For multilingual sites)
- Add option to enable/disable instant search (See instant results as you type)
- Add new setting to load Bootstrap framework
- Add option to show/hide search button
- Update to work with Elasticsearch 5.0
- Fix bug: return incorrect SEF urls if site uses sh404sef component
- Fix bug: "Could not parse URI" if not configure value for Endpoint parameter
- Fix bug: css errors on Bootstrap 2 - based templates
- Fix bug: Image does not display correctly on back-end