Geek Landing Page version 3.3.0

New feature - Set transition effect between the pages

This feature helps you can set transition effect when user move from one page to others. These effects allow you to make your page more attractive and eye-catching. The setting can be found under the Navigation tab.

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New feature - Set a scrolling speed

You now can set a speed for the scrolling transitions. Combination of this feature and transition effect helps to control a moving pages effect easily.

New feature - Insert custom content on Header and Footer of landing page

In new version, you can insert custom content on Header and Footer of landing page by create a module and assign it to the corresponding module position landingpage-header and landingpage-footer. You can find it is easy to add content such as logo, news ticker or call-to-action buttons on header or footer for all pages via this feature.

New feature - Enable a scrollbar for vertical mode

This feature provides another way to users to scroll a page

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Upgrade Fullpage.js library to version 2.8.8

Fixed Bugs

Add cookie path to fix bug displaying frequency setting does not work incorrectly in some case.

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