Geek Form Builder released version 1.3.5
This new version is updated with view of displaying list of form, tax payment form and option to show an entry to onwer.
Geek Layer Slider released version 2.1.0
We have recently updated our Layer Slider to even support Google fonts and set font family for heading, button and paragraph.
..And two more free Joomla extensions
Everyone loves a giveaway. We've just made it more fun! We decide to update our free extension list with two useful extensions as below.
Geek Popup plugin
An useful extension which allows users to easily collect all images of an article into a simple gallery by automatically grouping function then shown it on top or bottom of the article. This premium extension is now move to the FREE list, this means you can get full access to the extension download page with NO price from now on.
Geek Sliding Puzzle module
Our newest Geek Puzzle extension for Joomla is a classic item and great for any promotional campaign. The use of our instant game extension to affect consumer behavior that helps businesses engage, attract, interact-with, increase lead generation and so much more.
If you want to test our extension before download or upgrade, you can access our test site for more detail.
URL: https://play.joomlageek.com
Login: demo / demo