Support multilingual
The component provides the option to detect language automatically. Chatbot will detect which language users are using and automatically select the replied messages for that language. User language information will be got from locale setting of user facebook profile.
EX: If locale settings of user is en_US, Chatbot will select the messages assigned for English and all to send to users when chatting.
Fully compatible with facebook platform 1.1
Facebook Messenger Platform 1.1 was released this month to further support developers and help them create more engagement and build better bots, new version add support for ratings, quick replies, account linking, and more. Geek Facebook chatbot v 2.0.0 is fully compatible with new platform version.
Let’s have a closer look at the update and its features as below
Add new messages types
Chatbot now supports not only sending and receiving text, images and interactive rich bubbles containing multiple calls-to-action, but also sending with GIFs, audio, video, and other files. That’s handy for things like sharing directions to a venue via PDFs filer, as well as adding some color to an otherwise robotic interaction.
Persistent Menu
Menu is basically locked into place so that it is accessed quickly. This kind of menu provides an easy way for the first time and returning users to communication with your bot
User can invoke the menu by tapping on the 3-caret icon on the left of the composer.
Reply Message Echo
This callback will occur when a message has been sent by your page. User may receive messages which are text or attachments. In the old version, Bot only replies a message sent by user.
This useful feature allows page admin to send a message of bot to user while chatting. In this case, only you know a keyword to get a reply message from Bot but user does not.
Set working time for Bot
By default, Bot will work 24/7 however this feature allows you to set working time for Bot
Building Custom Integrations (For Developer)
In version 2.0.0, Geek Chatbot Component support hooks which allow developers to write plugin to hook into events, get data then create and send message based on the data. This wonderful feature support to extend function of Bot, you now can write plugin to access and get data to other 3rd components and Web services then send messages to users.
EX: Items' data of shop components and events or ticket's data of event management components or ticket booking system or weather data,.. Etc…
Learn how to build custom integration plugin for Chatbot component here
Use site language for Facebook-generated buttons
Website language will be used when integrating Facebook Javascript SDK to generate facebook chat button.
Ex: If your site language is Spanish, the button will be generated with Spanish text as image below.
Hits Counter
Number of Messages hit counters and statistics are provided. Hits counter data will help the administrator to analyse which information users are most interested in.
Enable Get Started button and Display Welcome Screen
This feature is update to make Geek Chatbot component compatible with Facebook Messenger Platform version 1.1