JoomlaGeek is very excited to announce the latest release of our Geek ElasticSearch. The new release includes support for PHP 8.0, support for Elastic Cloud and The New Powerful Search Mode Fuzzy Search, along with minor bug fixes and many other improvements.
Fuzzy Search
A Fuzzy search returns documents that contain terms similar to the search term. You can find what you are searching for even though you have a spelling mistake. Exact and highly relevant matches appear near the top of the list. For example: If you search for Kolumbia. It will return search results that contain the correct spelling of Columbia or Colombia, ...
It is especially useful when researching unfamiliar, foreign-language, or sophisticated terms, the proper spellings of which are not widely known.
PHP 8.0
The latest release of our Geek ElasticSearch is ready for PHP 8, a major update of the PHP language. PHP8 contains many new features, performance improvements and security updates. Keeping your PHP version up to date is good practice and always recommended!
Elastic Cloud
Geek ElasticSearch continues our support for Searchly and AWS Elasticsearch (now is AWS Open Search) , the two hosted Elasticsearch services. The latest release of our Geek ElasticSearch supports Elastic Cloud, a hosted Elasticsearch service officially provided by, the company behind Elasticsearch. This provides you another option for professional cloud hosted Elasticsearch for your projects.
You can find a detailed guide for how to set up Elastic Cloud - Elasticsearch service on documentation page here.
Other improvements
The new version includes some other improvements as follows:
- New. Filter by Hikashop characteristics.
- Updated. The look of dashboard.
- Updated. The look of search form.
- Removed. Parameter virtuemart_currency_id from search query string.
- Fixed. Error search results include products of unpublished Virtuemart categories.
- Fixed: Bug filter by access cause error in Joomla 4.